Snoring Quiz

Is snoring a health concern for you or your partner?

Take the following test and find out! Answer “true” or “false” for each question:

  1. People tell me I snore during sleep
  2. My bed partner has complained about my snoring
  3. My snoring disturbs people in the next room
  4. My snoring has become worse over the last few years
  5. I snore no matter what position I sleep in
  6. People tell me I sometimes stop breathing in between snores
  7. Sometimes I wake from sleep gasping for air
  8. I snore at night and am sleepy during the day
  9. I snore at night and have high blood pressure

What is your Snore Score?

If you answered TRUE to Questions 1-4, your snoring probably interferes with your personal life.

If you answered TRUE to Questions 5-9 (any of the questions), there is a good chance that you may have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. You may need a sleep test.

Tell your doctor your score immediately.

This test is not intended to replace examination by your doctor. Please discuss your snoring concerns with your doctor during your visit.